What's more, the narrative reasoning behind each quest is questionable. Often, before you can retrieve said item, the game makes you fetch something for the person who holds the item, thus creating a fetch quest within a fetch quest. Nearly every single one of the main missions and side quests requires you to head over to a part of the island, find an item, and bring it back to base. And within those fetch quests are yet more fetch quests. Instead, there are fetch quests: lots of fetch quests. Riptide's sandbox island of Hanoi isn't filled with the fun zombie-killing adventures you might expect. And that's only if you can muster up enough energy to make it that far. By the time you drag yourself through to the disappointing ending, apathy has taken over to the point where you wouldn't bat an eyelid at even the most grand of revelations. This all makes it so very hard to care about anything that happens in Riptide. Then there's the plot itself, which endlessly meanders between government conspiracy, sci-fi, and human interest, without even the slightest sense of direction. And that seriousness is hard to swallow when you have to look after a bunch of shallow, argumentative characters who utter irritating swears every few minutes and prove so unlikable that you're willing them to be torn apart by the zombie horde, just so you can have some peace and quiet. But there's no sense of humour or self-awareness here: to Riptide's detriment, it takes itself very seriously. The story-and that's using the word generously-is filled with the sort of terrible dialogue, hammy voice acting, and cliches you'd expect to see in an awful zombie spoof, or at best, a trashy B movie. Now Playing: Dead Island: Riptide Video Review By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's